Saturday, October 27, 2007

Chapter four: Painted Faces and Long Hair

The boys are getting adjusted to the island. Especially the littluns got so familiar with the island that they have forgotten about being rescued or going home.
And Jack and the hunters go hunting pigs with some clay to paint their faces and some charcoal sticks that were used for making fire on the mountaintop.
However, Ralph founds smoke from a ship and hope the ship will see their fire, but soon he recognizes that the fire has gone out by the hunters. Ralph got very frustrated and angry. Then, the hunters get back to the platform with a killed pig. They were very excited and cheerful, but Ralph expresses no happiness at all. And Jack, the representative of the hunters, talk with Ralph and finds out that a ship has gone. So Jack apologizes to Ralph and Ralph just accepts Jack's apology angrily. Then all the boys go up to the mountaintop, and make a fire and roast the pig they had killed. At the last scene, Ralph calls an assembly.

I'll write this on Monday